­­­­Arduino project “bathroom window”


This tutorial describes the building of a fake window which is illuminated by superlight LEDs in different colors. These are controlled by an Arduino microcontroller board so that the current daytime is reflected by the light mood.

Please contact me for questions and tips or corrections of this tutorial! I’m no pro, and I’m aware that a couple of things could be optimized. Please send me pictures and experiences of your window project!

Video of the demo mode, 3 sec = 1 hour. Video starts at about 4am, sunrise after 7 seconds:


Material (with links to German stores for pictures):

-          Electronics:

o   16 superlight LEDs, 5mm: http://www.reichelt.de/LEDs-super-ultrahell/2/index.html?;ACTION=2;LA=3;GROUPID=3019

§  4 * LED 5-05000 BL

§  4 * LED 5-14000 GE

§  4 * LED 5-16000 RT

§  4 * LED 5-16000 WW

o   16 * Montage clips for LEDs 5mm: http://www.reichelt.de/LED-Zubehoer/MONTAGERING-5MM/3//index.html?ACTION=3&GROUPID=3044&ARTICLE=12529&SHOW=1&START=0&OFFSET=16&

o   ULN 2803A (Transistor array): http://www.reichelt.de/ICs-U-ZTK-/ULN-2803A/3/index.html?;ACTION=3;LA=446;ARTICLE=22085;GROUPID=2921;artnr=ULN+2803A

o   Mains adapter:

§  either wall wart:  http://www.reichelt.de/Festspannungsnetzteile/SNT-600-12V/3//index.html?ACTION=3&GROUPID=4946&ARTICLE=108294&SHOW=1&START=0&OFFSET=16&

§  or an in-built power supply circuit (I took the interior of a wall wart…)

o   Resistors

o   Wires, breadboard

o   Arduino Uno Board


-          Plexi glass, 3mm: http://www.plexiglas-shop.com/DE/de/details.htm?$product=c4vxotqb32k~p&$category=8ny276huqre

-          Fake window frame: http://www.maisonsdumonde.com/UK/en/produits/fiche/seaside-window-picture-122855.htm

-          Wood bars, MDF plate, screws

-          non-flammable diffuser foil (or just take the inner Kellogg’s cereal bag: http://www.masterpaklb.com/pictures/products/Products_0.5697308_cereal-bags-header.jpg)

-          aluminum wrap



1.       Arduino programming:

The main program is basically three lines of code (lines 100-103).

I included the Arduino time library (see code line 4) that offers me the current time after calibrating it in the setup (line 65). The current daytime between 0 and 24 is in the variable uhrzeit (line 100).

Now where is the light mood saved? The two-dimensional const int array ledmat carries the info about the desired light mood at several daytimes (lines 13-44). It contains 10 vectors which carry the levels of the 4 LED colors in dB from -20(Off) to 0(full brightness), the overall level and the corresponding daytime at which these levels apply. For example, the third vector in line 21 {-5,-2,-20,-10,0,7 } determines that at 7:00h we have -5dB white, -2dB yellow, no red and -10dB blue with a full overall level of 0dB.

Now we need a translation between the current daytime and the array index so that we can look up in ledmat. For this the routine get_stundenindices is called (line 102) which tells you the array index corresponding to the last daytime at which a vector applied (hourindex) and the array index corresponding to the next daytime at which a vector applied (hourindex_next). On top of that it tells you where in between these two daytimes we actually are by the variable fade. For example, at 6:30h in the morning we are half way between vector 1 (6.00; line 19) and vector 2 (7:00; line 22), so hourindex=1 and hourindex_next=2 with fade=0.5.

The next step is already the LED writing in the routine writeLEDs (line 103). This routine looks the relevant parameters up in the array ledmat using the indices calculated before. With the fade parameter the LED levels are linearly interpolated between the defined values corresponding to the daytime. The translation between the logarithmical dB values and the correct 0-255 int value that analogWrite expects is done in the routine ledpegel. We’re done.

I need to say I run a demo loop in fast motion (a day in 1.5 minutes) just after starting the program in the setup part, so that I can show off to my visitors ;) The video of this demo loop is shown above.

Arduino Badfenster Code (click for download)


1    /*Badfenster: steuert 16 LEDs an, abhängig von der Tageszeit

2     */


4    #include <Time.h>


6    //Konstanten

7    const int ledweiss = 3;

8    const int ledgelb = 5;

9    const int ledrot = 6;

10   const int ledblau = 9;

11   const int del=5000;

12   const int hourindex_anzahl = 10;

13   const int ledmat[hourindex_anzahl][6]={

14     //weiss,gelb,rot,blau,Gesamtpegel,Zeitpunkt(Stunden)

15     {

16       -20,-20,-20,0,0,0}

17     ,

18     {

19       -20,-20,-20,0,0,6 }

20     ,

21     {

22       -5,-2,-20,-10,0,7 }

23     ,

24     {

25       0,-8,-20,-20,0,10 }

26     ,

27     {

28       0,-20,-20,-20,0,12}

29     ,

30     {

31       0,-20,-20,-20,0,16}

32     ,

33     {

34       0,0,-20,-20,0,17}

35     ,

36     {

37       -10,0,0,-20,0,18}

38     ,

39     {

40       -20,-20,-10,0,0,20}

41     ,

42     {

43       -20,-20,-20,0,0,22}

44   };


46   //Variablen

47   float uhrzeit;

48   float t=0;

49   float fade;

50   int hour_aktuell;

51   int hour_next;

52   int hourindex;

53   int hourindex_next;

54   int ledmatschaltzeiten[hourindex_anzahl+1];


56   // the setup routine runs once when you press reset:

57   void setup() {

58     Serial.begin(9600);      // open the serial port at 9600 bps:

59     // initialize the digital pin as an output.

60     pinMode(ledweiss, OUTPUT);

61     pinMode(ledgelb, OUTPUT);

62     pinMode(ledrot, OUTPUT);

63     pinMode(ledblau, OUTPUT);


65     setTime(8,45,0,1,1,2013);         //Hier wird die Startzeit gesetzt: setTime(hr,min,sec,day,month,yr);

66     for (int i=0;i<hourindex_anzahl;i++){

67       ledmatschaltzeiten[i]= ledmat[i][5];

68     }

69     ledmatschaltzeiten[hourindex_anzahl]=24;


71     //Nach Einschalten zunächst eine oder mehrere Demoschleifen:

72     for (int durchlauf=0;durchlauf<1;durchlauf++){

73       for (float h=0;h<24;h=h+0.025){

74         uhrzeit=h;

75         get_stundenindices(&uhrzeit,&hour_aktuell,&hour_next,&hourindex,&hourindex_next,&fade);

76         writeLEDs(&hourindex,&hourindex_next,&fade);

77         //delay(1);

78         Serial.print("DEMO-Modus: ");

79         Serial.print(uhrzeit);

80         Serial.print(", hourindex: ");

81         Serial.print(hourindex);

82         Serial.print("--");

83         Serial.print(hourindex_next);

84         Serial.print(", fade: ");

85         Serial.print(fade);

86         Serial.print(", hour: ");

87         Serial.print(hour_aktuell);

88         Serial.print("--");

89         Serial.print(hour_next);

90         Serial.println();

91       }

92     }

93   }


95   // the loop routine runs over and over again forever:

96   void loop() {


98     //Zeit

99     //  uhrzeit=(float(hour())+float(minute())/60+float(second())/3600)*60*12;//Zeitraffer zum Testen

100    uhrzeit=(float(hour())+float(minute())/60+float(second())/3600);


102    get_stundenindices(&uhrzeit,&hour_aktuell,&hour_next,&hourindex,&hourindex_next,&fade);

103    writeLEDs(&hourindex,&hourindex_next,&fade);


105    //Test-Ausgabe

106    Serial.print(hour());

107    Serial.print(":");

108    Serial.print(minute());

109    Serial.print(":");

110    Serial.print(second());

111    Serial.print(", uhrzeit: ");

112    Serial.print(uhrzeit);

113    Serial.print(", hourindex: ");

114    Serial.print(hourindex);

115    Serial.print("--");

116    Serial.print(hourindex_next);

117    Serial.print(", fade: ");

118    Serial.print(fade);

119    Serial.print(", hour: ");

120    Serial.print(hour_aktuell);

121    Serial.print("--");

122    Serial.print(hour_next);

123    Serial.println();


125    //Warten...

126    delay(del);

127  }


129  int ledpegel(float pegel1,float pegel2) {

130    float abspegel1=pow(10,pegel1/10);

131    float abspegel2=pow(10,pegel2/10);

132    float abspegel=abspegel1*abspegel2;

133    if (abspegel<=0.011)

134    {

135      abspegel=0;

136    }

137    if (abspegel>1)

138    {

139      abspegel=1;

140    }

141    int pegel=int(255*abspegel);


143    //    Serial.print(abspegel);

144    //    Serial.print("\t");

145    //    Serial.print(pegel);

146    //    Serial.print("\t");


148    return pegel;

149  }


151  void get_stundenindices(float *uhrzeit, int *hour_aktuell, int *hour_next, int *hourindex, int *hourindex_next, float *fade) {

152    //Stunden-Indices

153    for (int i=0;i<hourindex_anzahl;i++) {

154      if (*uhrzeit>=ledmatschaltzeiten[i] && *uhrzeit<ledmatschaltzeiten[i+1]) {

155        *hour_aktuell=ledmatschaltzeiten[i];

156        *hour_next=ledmatschaltzeiten[i+1];

157        *hourindex=i;

158        *hourindex_next=i+1;

159        if (*hourindex_next>=hourindex_anzahl){

160          *hourindex_next=0;

161        }

162      }

163    }

164    *fade=(*uhrzeit-*hour_aktuell)/(*hour_next-*hour_aktuell);

165  }


167  void writeLEDs(int *hourindex,int *hourindex_next,float *fade)

168  {

169    float pegel[5];

170    int pegelweiss=0;

171    int pegelgelb=0;

172    int pegelrot=0;

173    int pegelblau=0;


175    //LEDPegel

176    pegel[0]=ledmat[*hourindex][0]*(1-*fade)+ledmat[*hourindex_next][0]*(*fade);

177    pegel[1]=ledmat[*hourindex][1]*(1-*fade)+ledmat[*hourindex_next][1]*(*fade);

178    pegel[2]=ledmat[*hourindex][2]*(1-*fade)+ledmat[*hourindex_next][2]*(*fade);

179    pegel[3]=ledmat[*hourindex][3]*(1-*fade)+ledmat[*hourindex_next][3]*(*fade);

180    pegel[4]=ledmat[*hourindex][4]*(1-*fade)+ledmat[*hourindex_next][4]*(*fade);

181    pegelweiss=ledpegel(pegel[0],pegel[4]);

182    pegelgelb=ledpegel(pegel[1],pegel[4]);

183    pegelrot=ledpegel(pegel[2],pegel[4]);

184    pegelblau=ledpegel(pegel[3],pegel[4]);


186    //write LEDs

187    analogWrite(ledweiss, pegelweiss);

188    analogWrite(ledgelb, pegelgelb);

189    analogWrite(ledrot, pegelrot);

190    analogWrite(ledblau, pegelblau);


192    Serial.print("Pegel: ");

193    Serial.print(pegel[0]);

194    Serial.print(",");

195    Serial.print(pegel[1]);

196    Serial.print(",");

197    Serial.print(pegel[2]);

198    Serial.print(",");

199    Serial.print(pegel[3]);

200    Serial.print(",");

201    Serial.print(pegel[4]);

202    Serial.print(" - ");


204  }


2.       Circuitry

I produced a small circuitry on a breadboard that will fit directly behind the MDF strip that carries the LEDs. I lost my sketch, sorry, if anyone does this project please post the circuit here again J However, the circuit is very, very easy: it only contains the ULN 2803A Transistor array and 16 resistors as well as wire connections from the Arduino board and to the 16 LEDs. Each of the 4 AnalogWrite outputs of the Arduino board (defined in line 7-10) was connected to two inputs of the ULN 2803A. 8 outputs of the ULN 2803A were used. Each of them was connected to two LEDs and two resistors. Hence, each two LEDs were either in parallel or in serial. Calculate the necessary resistors so that the 5V is divided and the correct voltage is on the LEDs. Note that the 4 LED colors have different operation voltages and currents! The 5V for LEDs and ULN 2803A and the ground for the ULN 2803A is connected from the Arduino board. After finishing the circuit, connect the LEDs with wires enough long to fit the LED mounting bar (see below).

3.       Wood frame

-          Build the back plate: this is an MDF plate or a flake board with exactly the same length and width as the window frame which you build on your own or bought from e.g. : http://www.maisonsdumonde.com/UK/en/produits/fiche/seaside-window-picture-122855.htm

-          Build four wood bars as upper, lower, left and right “walls” of your window frame. Their sizes:

a)      For left and right wall bars: length= the height of the window frame, width: about 5-6 cm, minimum the width of your breadboard!, depth: so that a screw fits in, ca. 15mm.

b)      For upper and lower wall bars: length=the width of the window frame minus 2*the bar depth, width and depth, as above.
The upper bar gets two rectangular holes for the USB and Power input of the Arduino board.

-          Build an LED mounting bar (thin MDF plate): same size as b) above, but with low depth.

o   Drill holes for the 16 LED clips in equal distances into it.

o   Cut some space for the Arduino bar in one corner of the LED mounting bar, it will be placed right above it.

o   Put the LED montage clips into the LED mounting bar

o   Put the LEDs into the clips. I used the following order of colors: b – r ­– b – r – y – w – y – w – w – y – w – y – r – b – r – b

-          Connect the upper and lower bars to the MDF plate as with screws through the MDF or glue as can be seen in the pictures. Leave space for the left and right bars.

-          Mount the breadboard on the upper wall bar somehow, I used two little screws.

-          Mount the Arduino board with little screws on the MDF plate

-          Connect the LED mounting bar with 4 screws to the upper wall bar

-          Optional: connect the Arduino Voltage in and ground with the output of your power supply circuit. Mount the Power supply circuit somewhere and lead the mains cable out of the frame (small extra hole in one of the wall bars).
You don’t have to do this. If you simply want to connect a wall wart to the Power input socket of the Arduino, you’re fine (even better in the bathroom!)

Now the frame is nearly ready, as you see it in the pictures. Sorry that I haven’t taken more pictures, I wasn’t thinking about writing a DIY tutorial…

Badfenster_07.jpg Badfenster_06.jpg

Now, for a better light performance, glue aluminum wrap on the surface of the whole MDF plate. Then put diffuser foil or alike in a loose bow on the LED mounting bar, so that the LED light is diffused. Don’t forget to mount some wall mounting thing at the back of the MDF plate! Now the whole MDF/circuit part is ready.

Now we produce the window frame part. Replace the ugly picture from the fake window frame with a fitting milky plexi glass and mount it. The plexi glass I used is 3mm thick, see above’s link. Mount the left and right wall bars onto the window frame (screw or glue) and optionally paint the whole thing. Now this part is ready as well and the “marriage” happens:

Put the window frame part on top of the MDF/circuit part and mount it (screws!). Ready.

Well, now just program and fine-tune the Arduino! Please contact me for questions and tips or corrections of this tutorial!


Btw, this is the evening original lightmood in my hometown:
